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Bubble Gum Ghoul



Zectron's Ghoulhead has been fitted on a small run of classic Japanese vinyl Kewpie Dolls made by the famous Obitsu vinyl factory. After being mashed together Zectron sent them off to his good friend Third Dye Open for paint work. Using soft pinks and touches of flesh and purple they ended up as wonderful candy-coated nightmares!

The Story - The Bubble Gum Ghouls were once just mischievous children until one day the gang hatched a terrible plan. They decided to steal as many Halloween masks as they could and visit every house in the neighborhood over and over again to get more candy than any child ever deserved. The plan worked perfectly and they each had more candy than they ever dreamed of but being the greedy little monsters they were, things went too far. They pushed their luck one last time and decided that the spooky old house on the corner that no other kid dared visit for fear of the old witch who lived there would be worth one last stop... Now they are cursed and must wear every mask at the same time for all of eternity. Walking the neighborhood streets forever in search of candy with their heads constantly spinning from one grotesque face to another.


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